Rising taxes, soaring energy prices, European standards deemed excessive, unrealistic directives on fertilizers and phytosanitary products threatening farm productivity, deaf and fussy administration, difficult marketing, unfair European and global competition exacerbated by social, environmental and fiscal underbidding... The list of ills afflicting the agricultural world has grown longer over the years. In 2024, the cup is full, overflowing even, when we add the building frustration among farmers faced with hateful agribashing as the profession reduces the use of agrochemicals. And what prospects are there if even the elements get in the way, with hostile weather alternating between violent rains and drought, destroying harvests. Farmers lament the unbearable loss of income, despite increased workloads and sacrificed vacations. The result is a feeling of isolation, abandonment, and despair. Today, individual sufferings have aggregated into a historic social anger, spilled over the walls of prefectures and erected as barriers on traffic lanes.

Empowering farmers rather than constraining them

72- 01/03/2024 In France and across Europe, farmers’ despair has turned into a contagious social movement. “No country without a […]

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