Empowering farmers rather than constraining them
72- 01/03/2024 In France and across Europe, farmers’ despair has turned into a contagious social movement. “No country without a […]
72- 01/03/2024 In France and across Europe, farmers’ despair has turned into a contagious social movement. “No country without a […]
72- 01/03/2024 En France et dans toute l’Europe, le désespoir des agriculteurs s’est transformé en un mouvement social contagieux. “Pas […]
71- 01/02/2024 “How can non-violent collective mobilizations such as protest marches, based on human values of equality and respect, degenerate into […]
71- 01/02/2024 « Comment expliquer que les mobilisations collectives non-violentes telles que les marches de protestation ou les rassemblements, fondées sur […]
70- 01/01/2024 Rarely mentioned, organizational or structural empowerment stands as the highest stratum of empowerment, surpassing individual and collective levels. […]
70- 01/01/2024 Rarement évoqué, l’empowerment organisationnel ou structurel figure comme la plus haute strate de l’empowerment, au-dessus les niveaux individuels […]
69- 01/11/2023 As empowerment is nowadays a central concept in healthcare system, the examination of four measurement scales aims to provide […]
69- 02/11/2023 Mieux représenter la diversité, créer des opportunités d’accès pour les communautés marginalisées, façonner un monde plus inclusif ! […]
69- 02/11/2023 Better represent diversity, create access opportunities for marginalized communities, shape a more inclusive world! In Berlin, the “Diversity […]
68- 01/10/2023 How can people regain control over their spending when the cost of living is eroding their purchasing power, […]